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Dog Bathrobes

As soon as a pond, a stream or just a puddle comes into sight, the four-legged friend is already in it. And when he comes out again, he brings a lot of water with him. Good, if you have our dog bathrobe ready to hand after your adventure tours! The same applies to the bath at home, where your darling can also snuggle up after his bath in fluffy and absorbent bathrobe made of bamboo fibers.

Drei mittelgroße Hunde mit Hundebademaenteln in Olive, Rosa und Gelb stehen am Strand

Dog Towels & Washing Gloves


Dog Towels & Washing Gloves
Sustainable - Absorbent - Antibacterial - Bamboo fiber
Chihuahua versteckt sich unter grauem Hundehandtuch

Poncho & Bathrobes


on a nice day at the lake, after a shower or just for cuddling up on the sofa. The Wau-Dry collection for masters and mistresses is here.

Your favorites for bathing & grooming

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