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10 tips for summer with your dog

Many people look forward to summer with joy. Whether on the balcony, in the garden, in the park or even by the sea; just relax and unwind. But what about our four-legged friends? For many dog owners, summer causes uncertainty, because the temperatures are rising, it's warm and the dog has to go out, whatever the weather.

1. walk at the right time of day

Hot summer days are often very long - and very warm. The midday heat is often not only a problem for us, but also for our four-legged friends. It's best to try to adapt your daily rhythm to the weather on these days; as it's usually more pleasant outside in the mornings and evenings, it's worthwhile for you and your dog to go for longer walks and only use the midday heat for brief relief. 

However, it's not a bad thing if you only take your dog out for a short walk on these days. Just like us humans, our dogs also tire quickly on hot summer days and prefer to doze off. An exuberant dog is not primarily measured by physical activity.

2. Mental instead of physical activity

Let hot summer days slowly sink in.
Wenn du deinen Hund auch an heißen Sommertagen auslasten möchtest, solltest du physische Aktivitäten unbedingt in die frühe Morgen- oder späten Abendstunden legen. 
Auf keinen Fall solltest du zu Tageshöchsttemperaturen mit deinem Hund anstrengende Aktivitäten bestreiten, wie zum Beispiel Fahrrad- oder Inliner fahren oder joggen gehen. Brachyzephale Rassen wie der Mops oder die Französische Bulldogge sollten an heißen Tagen wenig bis keine anstrengenden Aktivitäten ausüben. Eine andere Option ist jedoch, den Vierbeiner mental statt physisch auszulasten. Dazu zählen beispielsweise das Erlernen neuer Tricks, Nasenarbeit und Intelligenzspiele.

You can find a detailed explanation of mental and physical activities and lots of ideas for a balanced life together with your four-legged friend in our article on activities for dogs.

Mentale statt physische Beschäftigung

3. better walking in the forest 

The forest is often a favorite place for many dog owners on hot summer days. The broad canopy of leaves creates a heat-insulating layer, which is responsible for the fact that it is a few degrees cooler in the forest than in open spaces such as the park or a field.

4. before going for a walk: Cool down

High temperatures, a stinging sun and few cooling options on the go? Cool your dog down before the walk with a wet washcloth or towel. However, you should not use ice-cold water for this. Our dog towels and washcloths made of bamboo fibers are particularly suitable for this thanks to their absorbency and ease of care.

Vor dem Spazierengehen: Abkühlen

5. heat-sensitive dogs in the shade 

Whether in the garden, in the park or on a walk: In summer, and especially on hot summer days, you should make sure that you provide your dog with enough shade. Of course, many dogs also like to snooze in the sun, but they should still be able to retreat to a shady spot when they feel like it.

6. safe on the road: car journeys 

If possible, avoid long car journeys and never leave your dog alone in the car when the temperature is high.
As cars heat up very quickly, you should never leave your four-legged friend alone in the car when temperatures are high. Did you know that the heat tends to build up in dog crates? Even with air conditioning, your dog should only be left alone for a short time or not at all. On hot days, many people tend to set it very high. The problem: the draught can make not only you but also your dog ill.

Sicher unterwegs: Autofahrten

7. always have water with you

Like us humans, our dogs also have an increased need to drink on hot days. For this reason, you should always have water with you to cool your four-legged friend down, even on short walks. 
You can easily store a small bottle of water or special dog drinking bottles and bowls on or in our Wau-to-go dog walking bag. So you always have a cool drink at hand! 
Tip: Does your dog tend to drink a little less? Simply put a few treats or some meat in the water before the walk so that the taste is distributed and your dog finds it more appealing.

8. cool snack for in between meals 

Lick mat, dog ice cream, frozen Kong 
Spread yogurt, wet food or granular cream cheese on a lick mat, put it in the freezer for five minutes - and you have a cooling snack for between meals! You can easily do the same with a Kong or dog ice molds. 
Careful: Toxic! These substances are poisonous for your dog. 
 Homemade dog ice cream? No problem at all! Simply mix some water together with food that your dog really likes, for example liver sausage or yogurt. You can also mix berries and offer your dog a kind of smoothie. However, make absolutely sure that you do not give your dog any food that is poisonous to him. Want to find out more? 
Click here for our article: Caution: Toxic!

Kühler Snack für zwischendurch

9. cooling for house and garden

Cooling mats, dog pools and wet towels 
In recent years, summer products for dogs have become increasingly popular. These often include cooling mats and dog pools. However, if you don't want to spend money on new gadgets, you can also use the classic option: a wet towel. However, we would advise against cooling vests for dogs. The heat can build up under them and possibly harm your dog. For this reason, you should also not wrap your dog in a damp or wet towel or cover him with it. The dog should always have the opportunity to move away from things that could possibly bother him. For example, it can also happen that your dog gets too cold on a cooling mat. 

10. observe and know your dog 

Some dogs cope better with the heat in summer than others. Of course, you should still not engage in high performance sport when temperatures are at their highest, but it is still valuable if you know your dog and his needs in this weather and can assess situations correctly. So take such days slowly, observe your dog and adapt to his needs. That way, nothing should stand in the way of a pleasant summer, despite the high temperatures!


  • Avoid walking your dog when temperatures are at their highest during the day, and at best walk early in the morning and later in the evening. 
  • Slowly ease into hot summer days; focus on mental rather than physical activities. 
  • If you have the opportunity, move walks to the forest on hot days. 
  • Before you go for a walk: cool your dog down and get him wet. 
  • Dogs that are particularly sensitive to heat should spend most of their time outside in the shade. 
  • If possible, avoid long car journeys and never leave your dog alone in the car in high temperatures. 
  • Always have water with you for your dog when you are out and about. 
  • Cool snack for in between: Lick mat, dog ice cream, frozen Kong. 
  • Cooling down in the house and garden: cooling mats, dog pool and damp towels. 
  • Observe and know your dog.

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